Archive for February, 2014

Veganism or “Whole Food Plant-Based” (WFPB) Diet as the Future of Preventive and Therapeutic Medicine

February 5, 2014

waimea canyon hawaii

Waimea Canyon, Hawai’i

Nutritional researcher and professor T Colin Campbell has provided a devastating defense of veganism–or a “whole food plant-based” (WFPB) diet, as he puts it–in terms of the prevention of human illness and even therapeutic purposes (Counterpunch republication of original post on Independent Science News, 3 February 2014).  As the professor summarizes,

“[…] adoption of the WFPB dietary lifestyle offers far more health benefits than the modern medical system. For those who comply, current evidence shows that at least 90% of all cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, upwards of 70% of all cancers, and a broad spectrum of other illnesses can be prevented, even cured. Assuming that this message is effectively communicated, I estimate that at least 75% of contemporary health care costs could easily be saved. Sparing the side effects (often death) of the existing system would be a very large additional bonus.

It is now time to replace the current medical-based disease care system with a diet-based health care system as Hippocrates prompted us to think about two and a half thousand years ago. We face some extraordinary problems, health improvement, health care costs, serious environmental disarray, unforgiving violence and political polarization and discord. We are entitled to despair but only if we continue to rely on the same medical and health strategies that got us to this place. Based on the extraordinarily positive responses that I personally receive in my hundreds of lectures and the millions of readers of our books, I am optimistic. All we need to do is 1) honestly demonstrate this effect to the public and 2) develop affordable and convenient programs to facilitate transition and I am confident that exceptional progress can be made.”