Posts Tagged ‘Andrea Dworkin’

Two New Interviews on Queer Tolstoy

November 21, 2023
Boris Kustodiev, May Day demonstration in Putilov (1906)

I am excited to share two new interviews about Queer Tolstoy: the first, a written dialogue about the book with John P. Clark published on Oct. 31 in the Capitalism, Nature, Socialism journal, and the second, a spoken interview in Spanish from with the comrades from TOFUria, recorded on Nov. 12. TOFUria is a program dedicated to anti-speciesism and sexual dissidence on Radio Malva (104.9FM) in Valencia, Spain. Please find links and abstracts below.

1. The Quest for Revolutionary Love: John P. Clark Interviews Javier Sethness about Queer Tolstoy

Abstract: In this interview about the newly released Queer Tolstoy: A Psychobiography (Routledge Mental Health, 2023), John P. Clark and Javier Sethness explore the life and times of Count Leo Tolstoy from a queer-anarchist perspective. In this dialogue, Clark and Sethness delve into the rationale for, and the creative process of, Queer Tolstoy. They do so by comparing and contrasting the volume’s highlighting of the intersection of Tolstoy’s anarchism and underappreciated queerness, in biographical and literary terms, with other recent works that have explored the relationship between social revolution and sexual love. Furthermore, the interlocutors discuss the politics of androgyny and queerness, apply Freudian and Marcusean concepts of bisexuality and Eros to Tolstoy’s life, analyze Tolstoyan classics from a queer-friendly lens, and place Tolstoy in conversation with contemporary and future revolutionaries, from Joseph Déjacque to Andrea Dworkin and bell hooks. This wide-ranging conversation covers gender and sexuality, LGBTQ+ experience, Russian history, the phenomenon of holy fools, radicalism, mortality, and ecology, among other important topics.

2. Tolstói Por El Culo

Contamos con la presencia al otro lado del Atlántico de Javier Sethness Castro, autor del libro Queer Tolstoy. A Psychobiography, que trata los elementos de deseo homosexual y cultura homoerótica dentro de la vida y la obra del escritor pacifista anarcocristiano León Tolstói. Con él charlamos del contenido del libro y de la biografía del autor ruso, y con ello aprovechamos para hablar de la historia homosexual rusa, del marxismo soviético, de las invasiones de Ucrania y Palestina, y otras cuestiones desde el mariconismo que caracteriza al programa. Finalizamos riéndonos de las manis de fachas cayetanos en Madrid y de la necesidad de hacerles frente potenciando las movilizaciones a favor de Palestina.

Las canciones que han sonado han sido:

Katalonia – A las Barricadas (На Баррикады!)

Pink Floyd – Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox)

Gate K9 (Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Soundtrack)